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Dillon Timperio 4th Dan 1x Michigan State Champion board breaking, 2x bronze medalist patterns.
National Bronze medalist  breaking, open and ITF patterns.

My name is Dillon Timperio.  I started taekwondo when I was four years old and have continued training ever since. I started taekwondo because I thought it was the coolest thing when I was little, and as it turns out, I was right. Taekwondo means a lot to me because it has become part of my everyday life. It has taken such a big place in my heart, and I hope to continue learning and growing as life goes on.  It means a lot to me to be an instructor because I love working with kids and seeing the smiles on their faces when they learn a new motion or pattern. In the future, I still see myself doing taekwondo and continuing to be an assistant instructor alongside Grandmaster Ryan McEachern. I also see taekwondo being a huge help to me in the future because of the career I am hoping to head into, an OPP officer. Some of my other hobbies include baseball, soccer, and football but above all taekwondo comes first.

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